Saturday, 13 February 2010

Instructions on how macro video camera on the N95, N82 and others

You'll notice that all Nokia's have autofocus (AF automatic focus) do not focus shot video. It's just a software thing but it is possible but the instruction is in a mechanical setting. The point is that if you turn on the camera (whether it is a photo shoot or video mode, it works in both) and then just gently shake the phone on the palm of the hand and the focus moves mechanically and will shoot very close objects. Sharpens up to about 5 centimeters, which is more than able to focus autofocus so you can shoot even more objects such as insects. But there is one problem that you accurately estimate the distance to the object because it will be blurred, so I recommend taking a picture of more photos. Personally, I have tried the camera insects on fruit and picture quality was really neskotočný the camera. It works well for other brands such as Samsung i8910 HD so if you need to try a model with autofocus.
Watch a video how it works.

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